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The Serial Publications Division of the Biblioteca Nacional stores the most fascinating time machine of Latin America.

A maze that invokes the past in the present, vertiginous, in constant growth, whose population exceeds eighty thousand titles, or even three hundred and seventy thousand volumes.

Eternal return of the reader, when consulting the collection, in a click, or in the microfilm handle.

A speculative world, between atoms and bits, in the double face of preservation.

Right landscape, which does not give in to the Minotaur. Departure from the index, which is Ariadne's thread, and arrives at the fastest way to get into that thickness – crossing names, dates and cities.

At hemeroteca digital, search engines respond effectively through easy doc reader, when coloring in green the field of interest.

The periodical section is a watershed. It made the factual heritage greater: more quotidian and less a priori. Like someone who opens time capsules.

An eternal today, restless and immovable, of gazettes, magazines and newspapers.

One hundred years of the periodical section. An achievement of a collective work. Plural knowledge, of the generations that preceded us, by preserving an endless territory, devoted to migration of media and interfaces, whose destiny is citizenship, in a modern and democratic conjunction.


Marco Lucchesi